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Bullitt County Families in Transition – Divorce Shepherdsville, Kentucky

Bullitt County Families in Transition–Divorce Shepherdsville in Kentucky

Divorce Shepherdsville in Kentucky

Here in Shepherdsville, Kentucky, if you’re getting divorced, you must complete Families in Transition. Sometimes call FIT, the program is designed to educate parents on the effect divorce may have on a child. Typically, service is provided by one of the two local providers:

Cindy Feathers – Coordinator Divorce Shepherdsville in Kentucky 502-348-4051 Inquiry Information, Family Court 502-543-2497 Families in Transition Stacie Bush Tammy Hardin 841 Old Preston Hwy Divorce Shepherdsville in Kentucky 502-350-7368

Typically, the Bullitt Family Court will not waive the FIT requirement. Families that are separated by distance can still get FIT done through an online service or a provider located in the same place as the distant parent. Failure to complete FIT will result in your divorce being delayed or potentially jail time.

When Wantland Law represents you in a divorce proceeding we can guide you in getting the FIT compliance properly filed with the Court.



Anderson County
Families in Transition
Cindy Feathers
Shelbyville KY 40066

Barren County
Divorce Education Programs
Vickie Combest
Glasgow KY 42141
Contact # 844-284-3195

Bath County
Divorce Education Programs
Contact: Melissa Morehead
Pathways, Inc
Mt Sterling KY 40353

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